Find Hiking Partners for your Next Adventure!

In case you’re looking for hiking partners, we recommend to check out the find hiking partners functionality available at Bookmundi. Rest of this article will revolve around the many reasons for always bringing a hiking partner along your next hike.

The idea of hiking alone can, for some, be very appealing: what could be more revitalizing than spending a little time by yourself in the midst of a beautiful mountain range, or a remote location, complete with bubbling rivers, sheer cliff faces, spectacular flowers and exotic animals?

However, it’s important that, whilst recognising that solo hiking can be an enjoyable experience for some, you should not overly romanticise it. In fact there are some very real reasons why finding a hiking partner may be an incredibly wise decision – especially if you’re relatively inexperienced or just unfamiliar with your route.

The greatest benefit of having a hiking partner is, naturally, safety. Indeed, during 2012-2013, solo hiking was very nearly banned in Nepal due it being too dangerous. (As it stands, the introduction of the solo hiking ban has been put on hold indefinitely).

For example, even something as seemingly humdrum as a sprained ankle can put a solo hiker in serious danger, especially if they’re in a remote location or in a particularly precarious position. Having someone to watch your back, lend a hand when you need one, and even, if necessary, go and fetch help, can ultimately mean the difference between life and death. And considering some of the serious hazards that hikers are often confronted with – including illness (especially sudden altitude sickness), bad weather, and physical injury – having a hiking buddy with you may start to look like quite a good idea.

Another benefit of having a hiking partner is substantially reduced costs.

When hiking alone, every cost you incur is payable by you, and you alone. When hiking with a partner, however, there are many costs that you can split between you. These include the cost of travel, accommodation, food, equipment, guide and porters. This means that having hiking partners can save you money so that, when you eventually go home, you’ll have a fatter wallet than you would have had otherwise; or, if you want, you will be able to stay for longer and enjoy a more extensive hike.

Having a hiking partner also means having someone to share your experiences with.

Hiking Partners having morning tea and breakfast

Maybe you’ll choose to hike with somebody you already know, or perhaps you’ll go with a total stranger who will later become a great friend for life – many great friendships have been struck up on hiking trips. Either way, at the end of a long day’s hiking, how much better it is to talk over your adventure with somebody else, plan what you’re going to do tomorrow, and share old stories from past trips and your life back home, than sit alone and wait until the next day to get going again.

Finally, having hiking partners means that you will be able to access every area.

In Nepal, certain trekking and hiking destinations require a “Restricted Trekking Permit”. These areas, which include the Manaslu trek, Makalu Base Camp trek, Kanchenjunga trekUpper Mustang trek, Upper Dolpo trek, amongst others, do not allow solo hiking due to their being considered too dangerous. You can, however, enjoy all of these hiking areas so long as you choose to go with somebody else.

Got other hiking questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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